Monday, July 25, 2011

The New Starting Weight

I chose pioneer day (July 24) as the day to begin but failed to get a picture until this morning. Here is the new starting weight. I've had the words from "Come, Come Ye Saints" stuck in my head most of the day.

Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear;

But with joy wend your way.

Though hard to you this journey may appear,

Grace shall be as your day.

Tis better far for us to strive

Our useless cares from us to drive;

Do this, and joy your hearts will swell -

All is well! All is well!

1 comment:

Kira said...

Hi! I'm from the soulcysters forum, with the LDS Cysters (kireos is my username). I saw that you created a blog to document your journey to losing 100lbs! That's great! I'm on the same journey as you - I just started this week and I'm hoping to lose 100 lbs as well. Its nice to know you aren't alone. :)