Monday, July 25, 2011

The New Starting Weight

I chose pioneer day (July 24) as the day to begin but failed to get a picture until this morning. Here is the new starting weight. I've had the words from "Come, Come Ye Saints" stuck in my head most of the day.

Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear;

But with joy wend your way.

Though hard to you this journey may appear,

Grace shall be as your day.

Tis better far for us to strive

Our useless cares from us to drive;

Do this, and joy your hearts will swell -

All is well! All is well!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Run Your Butt Off!

Part of my exercise plan is coming from the book "Run Your Butt Off!". Each stage is supposed to be done three to four times in a week before moving on. I'm in this for the long haul, so I'm planning to do each stage for two to three weeks before moving on. I like how this plan builds you up gradually and each day's workout is kept under 40 minutes. I can give myself 40 minutes a day.
  1. Walk for 30 minutes.
  2. Walk for 4 minutes, run for 1. Repeat 4 more times. End with 4 minutes walking.
  3. Walk for 4 minutes, run for 2. Repeat 3 more times. End with 3 minutes walking.
  4. Walk for 3 minutes, run for 3. Repeat 4 more times. End with 3 minutes walking.
  5. Walk for 2 minutes, 30 seconds. Run for 5. Repeat 3 more times. End with 3 minutes walking.
  6. Walk for 3 minutes. Run for 7. Repeat 2 more times. End with 3 minutes walking.
  7. Walk for 2 minutes. Run for 8. Repeat 2 more times. End with 3 minutes walking.
  8. Walk for 2 minutes. Run for 9. Repeat 1 more time. Walk for 2 minutes. Run for 8. End with 3 minutes of walking.
  9. Walk for 1 minute. Run for 9. Repeat 2 more times. End with 3 minutes walking.
  10. Walk for 2 minutes. Run for 13. Repeat 1 more time. End with 3 minutes walking.
  11. Walk for 2 minutes. Run for 14. Walk for 1 minute. Run for 14. End with 3 minutes walking.
  12. Walk for 3 minutes. Run for 30. End with 3 minutes walking.
Run for 30 minutes. Run for 30 minutes? Currently that sounds about as plausible as single-handedly reaching the summit of Everest. I know I can do it though.

Friday, July 15, 2011

When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try once more."

I really debated about going through and deleting all of the old posts. That way no one could see that I tried, and failed, and tried, and failed, and over and over again. But deleting them all and making this look like a one time success would be dishonest. They will remain.

I'm back and heavier than ever. But I'm not here to dwell on my weight, I'm here to do something about it.

Why? Because I am capable of accomplishing difficult things. That is my mantra for the moment. Loosing weight is difficult. Loosing weight with PCOS is reportedly very difficult. Finding time to exercise, eat right, and accomplish everything else in life right now is difficult. That doesn't matter though, because I am capable of accomplishing difficult things. Yes they are difficult. So what. With God all things are possible.

Last week I went to see a movie called "17 Miracles." It is the story of 17 miracles that occurred during the harsh trek to Utah by the Willie and Martin handcart companies. I had no idea going to the movie would affect me so profoundly; but, while I was there I heard the whisper that I am capable of accomplishing difficult things too. All 32 of my great-great-great grandparents were pioneers who made the trek to Zion and then continued to work for their entire lives. That's whose blood is in my veins. Blood of people who are committed and capable. My trek may be different, but my spirit is not. I can do this.